The A3 was developed by Toyota as much as a problem solving tool than as a mean to “align” all the lifeblood of a company in achieving its strategic objectives.

Its A3 frame forces us to be limited to priority items, avoiding a dispersion of forces. It addresses the following key issues:
- Context,
- Problem,
- Objectives,
- Probable causes,
- Possible measures to achieve the objectives,
- Action plan put in place,

Problem solving methodology for A3 helps to:
- Easily move from the perception of a problem with a clear definition of it,
- Lead your problem solving methodically,
- Search data on the shopfloor and use them, as well as charts, to ensure and demonstrate your approach,
- Digging potential causes to arrive to the root cause and to prove their relationship to the effects,
- Check that the counter-measures taken will eliminate the root causes,
- Avoid the common pitfalls that prevent the discovery of the root causes of problems and their resolution,
- Make a clear presentation, structured, with impact on your audience.

For any question, do not hesitate to contact us !